How To Be A Baddie Event Recap
Thank you to all the lovely ladies in attendance :)
Before I jump into today’s topic, I wanted to share some back story. I met Ashlynd in middle school. We did not reconnect after that until late last year when we ran into each other in a coffee shop. I could not be more happy to see how a fellow classmate turned out. She is tenacious, persistent and talented to say the least. if you do not follow her story you will be sorry. She started the How To Be A Baddie podcast earlier this year that focuses on personal development and I look forward to her emails every Monday. I am happy to call her a friend and colleague and appreciate her for even thinking of, let alone involving me in the event. Thank you. Check her out here for all your personal growth info.
3. Commitment is key
This is one that is close to home for me. I’m often asked what keeps me motivated to make progress: the answer is that the progress inspires the motivation. We’ve got it backward. We think we are supposed to feel like going to the gym, feel like hanging out with friends, feel like trying something new or talk to that person we like. What if the biggest myth we live by is that we have to feel
2. Support your spirit
Ashley my amazing Reiki Master friend reminded me of how important it is to support your spirit. I think in the day and age it’s so easy to forget that. We are apart of a collective consciousness. She used fancier words to describe our spiritual self lol but if we don’t pay attention to our spirit and the signs it gives us when things are going right and wrong then we will have to pay attention when , forgive my French, the shit hits the fan. Joe Dispenza says you can change in the midst of crisis and pain but you can also choose to change in the midst of love and joy.
1. Get social
There was a question asked about knowing what you’re supposed to do logically but still not doing it. We can sit and talk all day about what we need to change in our lives to live better but how do we make it happen? The most significant answer that came up for me was a point Jazmin made. She said get social. She described how she wanted to start getting up early and enlisted the help of a friend to keep her accountable. We are social by nature. Do you have any unproductive beliefs or conditioning telling you that you need to do it all on your own? That no one would want or be able to support you in your process? If so maybe it’s time to re-evaluate what’s no longer serving you.
I hope my blogs are a helpful source of information. That they might help you to find comfort and solace in knowing that you’re not alone. That you matter and someone’s thinking about you. Submit blog topics and questions you'd like me to address here and subscribe below to stay updated. Until next time my friend.
Left to right: Ashlynd, Jacent, Ashley, Jazmin at the The Collective Real Estate