This Is How You Get Results In Your Life. — This is your sign to start your journey

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This Is How You Get Results In Your Life.

This Is How You Get Results In Your Life.

I was having a conversation with a colleague, who is also my best friend Shanee Rosenberg, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. By the way, she is top on my referral list for clients and writes a fantastic blog check it out here. Anyway, we were discussing the self-help industry and how it is a huge money-making industry yet more and more people are being diagnosed and deal with anxiety, depression and more.


We had differing arguments as to why that might be the case. In an effort to play the devil's advocate I made the argument that maybe it isn’t the self-help book that is supposed to work… What if it is YOU? Self-help books often provide what feels like common sense, simple ideas to the reader. They use examples to indicate what appears to be an easy plan that should lead to you living your best life. However, what they do not provide is the support needed after you are actually done reading the book. You have to do the things the book says in order to get results. You have to experiment and tweak, experiment and tweak until you find the right formula for you. What is wrong with the books is that they have general feedback and cookie cutter solutions that have to be tailor-made to fit for you, but who is going to help you make your plan unique. This is why it is important to have accountability, support, and a system in place to carry you past the pages of books like “Think And Grow Rich.”

I watched am Eric Thomas video this morning. I have been listening to his motivational videos for years now. In one video he said stop watching videos, there comes a point when you need to stop using it as a crutch and start acting. In the video, I watched this morning he went into detail about his younger years when he was homeless and was eating out of trashcans. I usually include that in his motivational talks but never really explains. I have heard him say it over and over again knowing that must have sucked but not really understanding the seriousness of how that experience impacted his life until today. Self-help books say it will not be easy but I don’t think readers get it when they read about how tough change is. It takes consistency, discipline, sacrifice, commitment all of which do not come easily.

In my first counseling session with clients, I typically explain to clients that most people know how to get in shape. Generally, if you are mindful of intake and get active regularly you will get results. You don’t even need a gym membership to get in shape. Even though that is that case the health and wellness industry is just as big a money machine as self-help. Sometimes, you need a personal trainer to assist you in the process. A life coach, consultant, a counselor can be that for you.

I hope my blogs are a helpful source of information. That they might help you to find comfort and solace in knowing that you’re not alone. That you matter and someone’s thinking about you. Submit blog topics and questions you'd like me to address here and subscribe below to stay updated. Until next time my friend.

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