Father's Day Sucks Too — This is your sign to start your journey

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Father's Day Sucks Too

Father's Day Sucks Too


Recently I wrote blog about why Mother's Day might suck for some. Today I address a few reasons why Father's day is a sore spot. 

1. If your Father has passed away, this day might be hard for you. Grief is a lifelong process. We do not talk much about grief and how much it impacts our lives in the long run. We typically focus on the immediate effects loss can have. However, many people experience feelings of sadness and loss as if it were new when holidays and other anniversaries come up years later. 

2. You have children but there are issues between you and the mother of your children. There are many Fathers that want to be in their children's lives but are not able to be in the way they'd like due to conflict. Now, I'm not taking sides in the sense that there are many reasons why conflict might exist but highlighting that this may affect the child and the parent. 

3. You and your partner are having trouble having children and/or have lost a child at some point. The pain of not having children or losing children is not just felt by women. Men often experience just as much grief as women do but it may look different. You may grieve the loss of a future with your child. 

There are so many more reasons why Father's Day sucks but regardless, here are some types for next time around. Avoid social media by doing things that day that require your engagement. Whether it's spending time with family or friends or filling the day with solo activities that feed your soul. Be patient and kind to yourself. You're human, allow yourself to feel whatever comes up for you. One of the most helpful ways to endure a difficult day is preparation. If you anticipate difficulty on the Holiday address it with your therapist. Come up with a plan like your favorite snacks, making plans, add to your Netflix watchlist if you're going to binge watch that day. 

I hope my blogs are a helpful source of information. That they might help you to find comfort and solace in knowing that you’re not alone. That you matter and someone’s thinking about you. Submit blog topics and questions you'd like me to address here and subscribe below to stay updated. Until next time my friend.

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