$30,000 Saved In 6 months! How I Saved Money Fast

These are the unexpected steps I took to save $30,000 in 6 months. I was able to have this snowball of savings in 3 ways I am going to share with you in this video.

“I paid off $90,000 in debt and saved $30,000 all in the three years before I turned 30. During this time I was working on my money mindset, money management skills, and learning how to make more money.” —Jacent Wamala

#1 –Money Mindset                                                       

Start by thinking about your relationship with money as if it were a person. You don’t want to control your finances just like you don’t want to be in a controlling relationship.

“Control comes from anxiety and fear and limitation, a Scarcity Mindset. We have to shift to a mindset of collaboration, an Abundance Mindset. Allowing the money to flow is the best state of mind to be in.”

Money Mindset is an ongoing process. Update your mindset to keep up with the changes in your life.

#2 –Money Management

Budgeting. Support. Goals. Savings. Managing your money can look different for each person in each season of life. Find what works for you to make progress.

“Having an idea of what’s going on with your money will give you an idea of what you can and will be able to do with your money moving forward.”

Experiment with different ways that you can manage your money in the current season while being able to adjust and be flexible to the demands of life.  

#3 –Making More Money

You can’t make progress if you don’t have the money. Making more money looks different depending on your profession, but it is possible.

9-5 Jobs: Maximize your skills in your workplace to prepare for raises, bonuses, promotions, and job searching in order to increase your income faster.

Business Owners: Utilize your skills and services to leverage a higher income by increasing your rates when it makes sense and creating valuable offers that you can request higher investments of honestly.

“Have your metrics and data that will support your claims of saying your work and value is worth higher compensation.”

I was in debt because I was spending more than I was making. I three-timed by income by searching for job opportunities that increased my pay, my hours, and essentially hustling with a future end-goal to prevent burn-out.

“At Wamala Wellness, wealth starts with wellness from our perspective. We want you to be on a sustainable strategic plan to be able to build wealth without burning yourself out.” —Jacent Wamala


Ready to start your journey toward Financial Freedom? Book a call today to create a personalized strategic and implementable plan so that you can build wealth and wellness.

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