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How Rosy overcame Shame and Guilt on her Financial Journey

"Regardless of our financial situation, we deserve to enjoy our lives. Find harmony in a plan that includes enjoying life while paying off debt." –Jacent Wamala.

Meet Rosy Torres.

She believes in the possibility of possibilities.

Rosy Torres speaks to women about identifying the possibilities for themselves so that they can honor themselves and create the life they desire. She believes in the possibilities of creating a life based on desires and given gifts, calling in all the resources life has to offer, and healing generational traumas and cycles by rewriting the narrative of your life. Rosy encourages herself, her children, and others to step fully into who they are and who God created them to be and live life in celebration of that each day.

When Rosy Torres found herself in debt for the second time in her life, it was due to a family emergency. Yet, there was still shame, overwhelm, and the feeling that she couldn't move on until she got out of debt again. Rosy felt like her value was determined by money. In her darkest season, she felt called to Wamala Wellness and was embraced by a community of women supporting women financially, emotionally, and spiritually. This support allowed Rosy to enjoy her life while climbing out of debt, and she now teaches her kids and others where one's value truly lies and the resources that exist outside of money.

"I am teaching my kids to be responsible about their money choices but not let the money be their guide.

I truly believe that when we start to say yes to the possibilities that light us up, resources will start to come in. Money is not everything. There are so many other forms of provision. Money does not define my value.

In my darkest season, I was defined by my money. Life will offer so many more resources than money, and God will provide." –Rosy Torres

For Rosy, God brings peace in times of struggle and financial provision in times of financial depletion. She believes that when we align ourselves with God's will and trust His plan, we will find the necessary resources. Seeing the possibility of possibilities encourages us to see the potential in every situation, to believe in our ability to create change, and to embrace the unknown with optimism and courage.

"God is the source, and everything else is the resource." –Rosy Torres


Connect with Rosy Torres on Instagram and download Jacent's Financial Freedom Formula Ebook to connect with a community of supportive women on fellow financial journeys and start planning your Financial Freedom journey.

IG: @embodying_possibilities

Financial Freedom Formula Ebook