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6 Tips For Healthy Romantic Relationships

“All you need is love, love is all you need” sang the Beatles. Humans are wired for connection and there are benefits from those connections. Healthy romantic relationships are important it has been shown to increase happiness and reduce stress. All relationships are different; however, there are basic tips to follow in order to have a healthy relationship with your partner. 

Step 1: Be yourself.

Being yourself can sound cliché or cheesy; however, many people tend to lose themselves in relationships and become what their significant other wants them to be or slowly turn to a reflection of their partner losing their own identity. It is important to be connected to yourself in a romantic relationship. Make sure you are doing things you enjoy reflecting on your personal values, goals, feelings, thoughts, and expectations of yourself. Stay true to yourself throughout your relationship with your partner. 

Step 2: Keep your expectations realistic.

Being honest with yourself in what you want from a partner is a good thing to figure out because you never want to change or shape someone to meet your criteria. No one can be everything you want them to be. A healthy relationship means accepting your partner as who they are. People grow in relationships but never force someone to be something they are not. 
Step 3: Communication.

Healthy relationships require healthy communication between two people it is essential. When you are conversing with your partner you need to be present and take your time with each conversation genuinely listen to your partner. Do not interrupt your partner as they speak, do not think about what you are going to say as your partner is talking genuinely try to comprehend their perspective. 

Step 4: Be Flexible.

Change can be overwhelming and scary but healthy relationships allow their partner and themselves to grow and change. Understanding that changes happen throughout a relationship whether it be hardships or new great things one needs to be accepting of that change. Learning to accept change and growth is important to have a healthy relationship. 

Step 5: Fight Fair. 

Fights are very common in relationships and they are necessary to have healthy relationships; however, the key is to fight fair with your partner. Cool down before talking; the conversation with your partner will be more productive if you collect your thoughts and emotions. You do not want to say something you will regret. Remember to attack the problem, not the person when disputing with your partner. Use “I” statements to express how you feel do not assign blame or motives to your partner. Use language like, “When you don’t tell me where you are I feel neglected” instead of saying “You never bother to tell me where you are at. I seem to be the only one who cares about this relationship!” Remember to apologize and take responsibility for your mistakes if done something wrong. When fighting about a specific issue focus on that issue the conversation can spiral out of control. The key is to focus on the initial problem. It is also important to recognize when problems can not be easily resolved. Also, recognize that both you and your partner may have different beliefs, values, and personalities sometimes you may not be aligned. Communicating with your partner those concerns and understanding that those values and beliefs can not always be changed because that's who they are. You need to reflect and figure out for yourself what you can accept. Acknowledge and accept when the relationship is no longer healthy for you. 
Step 6: Nurture Your Relationship.

It is important to continue to nurture your relationship if you struggle with mental health understand that you are capable of loving someone and being loved but seeking treatment to help you with your mental health is a good idea to improve your relationship and yourself in general. Plan dates that excite you and your partner. Remember to support each other as well as to celebrate each other's successes.

Author: Lesly Montes